Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Before you travel - change your cell phone plan !

In the past two weeks, I have had several callers with a recurring ugly theme. They, or their kid, or their spouse travelled to the USA and started using their cell phone exactly the same way they usually do.

Case I - daughter is a chronic texter - the bill three weeks later was over $2,400 !

Case II - husband was on a driving holiday through the Mid West - thought his Canadian long distance plan worked in the States. The bill was $1,350 !

Case III - lady and her fiancee were on holiday in Washington and they both like to do separate things - so one did the museum thing and the other did monuments etc. They stayed in constant touch with each other via cell phone calls and texting. The bill was $875 !

Case IV - Another guy co signed for his 17 year old son's cell phone plan the year before, and forgot he was "involved" with the account. A four day school trip to Chicago resulted in a $1,600 surprise bill. The son could not pay, and if dad did not cover the bill, BOTH their credit histories would get wrecked.

Worse, none of these people could afford to pay these bills - they ended up unpaid; forced into collection status, and their credit histories were wrecked, and still are.

All it takes is a five minute phone call to your cell phone provider BEFORE you leave, and for $20 or so, you can protect yourself. Even if you forget till you get to your destination, it's never too late.

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